Graduating Student Questionnaire

3. What is your degree program?


4. Through which school are you completing your degree?

6. Were you primarily a full-time or part-time student?

7. Did you take a leave of absence for an academic term or more during your degree program?

8. What percentage of your degree did you complete online?

9. Gender:

10. Your age range:

11. Citizenship:

12. How do you describe yourself?

13. Marital Status:

14. How many dependents do you have?

15. How many hours a week did you work a paying job this year?

16. How important were the following sources of income in supporting your graduate studies?

Very Unimportant
Very Important
Off Campus Work
Spouse's Work
Denominational Support
Government Loan
Other Loan
Credit Card

17. How much educational debt did you bring with you?

18. How much institutional debt did you incur at this institution?

19. How much will your monthly educational debt payments be after graduation?

21. What position will you have after graduation? (If the selections are not your specific field do not click)

Campus Ministry
Hospital or Other Chaplaincy
Church Administration
Seminary Teaching
International Missions
Home Missions
Youth Ministry
Church Musician
Christian Education
Further Graduate Study

22. Have you been offered a position yet?

23. If you were to measure your personal growth, are the following stronger or weaker than when you began this program?

Much Weaker
About the Same
Much Stronger
Ability to Pray
Enthusiasm about learning
Trust in God
Self-Discipline and Focus
Ability to live one's faith in daily life
Clarity of Vocational Goals
Strength of Spiritual Life

24. How satisfied are you with your progress in skills that relate to your future work?

Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied
Ability to Preach/Teach Well
Ability to Share the Gospel
Ability to Use and Interpret Scripture
Knowledge of Church Polity
Knowledge of Church Doctrine and History
Ability to Lead Others
Ability to Conduct Worship
Knowledge of Other Religious Traditions
Ability in Biblical Counseling
Ability to Administer a Local Church/Congregation
Knowledge of Christian Philosophy and Ethics
Ability to Think Theologically

25. Since you began your program have you become theologically...

26. Mark the three most important influences on your educational experience at this institution

27. Was field education required in your program?

28. If yes, how important was field education to your education?

29. If you answered yes to Question 27, please mark the top 2 effects of your field education:

30. Please mark the response that corresponds to your overall experience during your graduate program.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I have been satisfied with my academic experience here.
Faculty were supportive and understanding.
My faith is stronger than when I came.
I know at least one faculty member well.
I have been able to integrate the theology and practice of ministry.
I have come to know students from other ethnic groups.
I have made good friends here.
Seminary was a good experience for my spouse/family.
I have been able to manage financially.
If I had to do it over, I would still come here.
The need to apply for graduation was clearly communicated.
The information about graduation on the Seminary website was helpful.
Throughout my time at Southwestern the Registrar's Office was friendly and helpful.
Throughout my time at Southwestern the Registrar's Office provided me with accurate and speedy assistance.

31. How satisfied are you with your progress in the following research based writing skills?

Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Ability to conduct library research.
Ability to find and focus topics for research papers.
Ability to complete research papers that are clear and well organized, and follow proper rules of syntax and grammar.
Ability to formulate arguments for a central claim using reasons, evidences, acknowledgements, and warrants.
Ability to formulate a central claim for research papers.
Ability to locate, analyze, and use sources appropriately.

32. Which of the following best describes your current ministry activity?

33. During your time in seminary, have you been used by God to lead someone to Christ?

34. Do you think missionally about your ministry calling?

35. Are you equipped to engage God’s mission wherever He leads locally or globally?

36. How satisfied have you been with the following services and academic resources?

Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Accessibility of Faculty
Quality of Teaching
Class Size
Ease in Scheduling Required Courses
Ease of Access with WebAdvisor (registration, grades, account information, etc.)
Writing and Research Support
Adequacy of Library Collection
Helpfulness of Administrative Staff Support
Academic Advising
Spiritual Formation
Financial Aid

37. How would you primarily describe yourself as a student?

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